The ASDAN programme at Rhubarb Farm continues to grow, we currently have 7 students taking part in the alternative learning provision. The challenges range from cooking in the café, geocaching to building survival structures and they cover literacy, mathematics, IT, learning to cope with problems and teamwork. The students struggle in a normal school environment but seem to be excelling at the ASDAN work at Rhubarb Farm. We have been awarded an Award for All grant by the National Lottery; this grant will be used to extend our café which will allow us to enable more socially isolated older people to join our Community Café lunches. We have reopened our Grub Club activity days, they take place one Saturday a month and provide an opportunity for families to learn, create, and grow together. The weather has been unfortunate at the past few sessions, but we have still managed to create a fun space in Training Room to engage the families. In December we had a visit from Santa. The elves of Rhubarb Farm had spent the weeks leading up to the event, creating a sleigh for the visitors to travel to the grotto. Volunteers helped build the sleigh alongside new support worker James, a qualified joiner. The shop continues to open on a Saturday, we have also continued to create more chutneys and relishes to sell in the shop. These jars of preserved foods are made using a glut of produce we have on farm, lately it has been beetroot.