November has been another busy month in the workshop, with myself and our service users ramping up production to fully restocked one of our partner organisation sales outlets (The Horti-Hub at Northgate Academy, pictured below).

We then continued the pace to ensure that we had a full rack of tools ready to sell at the Frost Fair on the Northampton market square along with some plants grown at our allotment. In keeping with the festive season, we linked up with our art life skills class to make some homemade Christmas tree decorations made from split logs, along with experimenting with some logs we have to make some nice table top candle decorations, which we also sold at the Frost Fair and at a fair at local Delapre Abbey, along with our ‘three pot’ planters.

In the workshop our service users are making some really good progress in their practical skills and confidence, which I think is making for some really good results in their projects. We also inducted a new service user who’s now on his third session.


Me and Gavin from the Horti-Hub in front of their new tools.

Gavin from Horti-hub and Northampton Hope Centre in front of their new tools

Our festive stall at the Frost Fair on the market square.










Some of the festive gifts we made.







The hand-painted decorations painted by our art class.


Some of our trio of logs candle holders once finished with some festive red ribbon.