This month has seen excitement around the first sowing of our OWN Whiffle Pig harvested seeds! Sweet pea seeds were harvested last year and planted this month in one of our community workshops. One of our participants is looking after them and taking the task very seriously! It is fantastic to see them being cared for so well by a member of the group.
Despite the bad weather, our outdoor activity has seen the emergence of some beautiful bulbs, the planting of some very happy and hardy Aquadulce Broad Beans, as well as the continued successful growth of our over-winter pink garlic! These are being grown for our food boxes that help the local community kitchen. This community charity provides food and advice for individuals and families in need of support in a deprived area of Derby.
Our indoor work is really beginning to take-off ready for the spring/summer planting season, particularly with our ‘Vegetable Cakes’ project in collaboration with the Dietetic Department at the University of Nottingham. Heritage Seed varieties have been purchased by the University and will be sent to the Whiffle Pig allotment ready for planting. This will mean further harvesting of our own seeds in the future and plant/seed sales for fundraising to support further Whiffle Pig workshops!