March was an amazing but busy month at The Yard, with lots of activities going on both inside and outside. As the days have been getting a lot lighter it seems like everyone is getting more excited about being outside! March was jam packed with fun and creative play activities ranging from Holi powder paint, pirate parties, and visits from the Animal Man. One of our favourite outdoor activities this month was to celebrate Science Week, our Monday Teen club built their own rocket and with the help of the play team and volunteers launched it at the end of the club.
We had two big awareness events in March – the first one being Downs Syndrome Awareness Day. Our early years session in the morning got very messy, as all our young adventurers decorated two cut out cardboard socks with blue and yellow paint. They used vegetables as stamps to create marks on the cardboard and in the process managed to get a lot of paint everywhere!
Towards the end of March, it was Autism Awareness week and we shared stories from some of the children and families who use The Yard. You can have a look at them all on our blog section on The Yard’s website here.
Before we knew it, it was April and we were all preparing for a busy Easter service. During the Edinburgh school holidays, we were open every day for family session and we had a lot of our members attending, plus new families and playschemes coming along. It has become Easter tradition that we ask local companies who support us to donate Easter eggs so that we can hand them out to children, plus a few left over for Easter egg hunts in the clubs. It has been such lovely weather so everyone has been able play outside, enjoying the sun. We are now having a couple of days closure for essential maintenance before we resume our usual timetable.