I feel sure that everyone that has been tending a garden this year has suffered the same frustration as we have. Spring seemed to come before plants were ready to grow, followed by cold and wet weather that put a sudden stop to all growing. We shall continue to wrestle the elements.
Despite this we have encouraging growth on our raised flower bed, albeit with not much colour yet, and once again the weeds are fighting our every effort to keep them under control.
We have had our best ever harvest of Rhubarb this year and our residents can all share in the bounty.
We were also gifted three Rose bushes form the family of an elderly resident that unfortunately died late last year. The resident was Margaret Beach and her family had recently had the garden at Margaret’s house re-planted with beautiful rose bushes that were not wanted when the family were forced to sell their house. In appreciation for this thoughtful gift, we organised a small commemorative plaque for the family which is proudly displayed in our Community Garden.