Over the last month we have been out and about working with local primary schools in Mid-Argyll. Many of our schools are very small; Easdale School on the mainland (13 pupils) and Luing, on the island of the same name (9 pupils) are no exception. At Easdale we have helped the children renovate their wildlife garden and install a polytunnel. They are now busily growing their own food including French beans, peas, courgettes and potatoes, which will ultimately be used in the school kitchen. We have been looking at the connections between all living things and around the polytunnel we have planted lots of wildflowers to attract pollinating insects
We also helped the children create a diorama to show the importance of beavers in the landscape and the benefits they bring to lots of other animals. They have since gone on to create a marine life diorama and we will hang a copy in our centre.
Our latest venture is to look at creating a hide at our centre as badgers and pine martens are now regular visitors to our bird table. We will keep you informed as our plans progress.