The first full month of Fork In The Road has been a creative, sunny and celebratory whirlwind! We’ve met so many people and been into loads of community spaces – the project is off to a flying start!
We’ve been cycling around the community gardens of Craigmillar in the Eastern part of Edinburgh, where local community members have come together to nurture beautiful spaces and garden together. Over the course of the month Fork In The Road has brought people together to celebrate their achievements and to share new food skills.
Alongside collaborating with local charities and community organisations in the centre of the month Fork In The Road played host to an event combining food and art. In collaboration with local Artists’ Co-operative, Mutual, we invited members of the public to share their food memories in the form of a recipe whilst enjoying a memory based lunch and art exhibition.
The result was a limited print run of a co-created cook book, celebrating shared food memories. Ranging from the factual to the surreal, everyone also created a piece of artwork to go alongside their recipe in a two colour print. The Mutual Memory Cookbook is now part of the kitchens and we’re sharing it with our new participants to encourage people to learn how to cook from each other, sharing food and stories together!
What’s Next? July is another busy month with more workshops and meals in Craigmillar, before Fork In The Road cycles to Wester Hailes. What’s really striking us as we bring the mobile kitchen into community spaces is the breadth of what people are doing in just one community, it’s really inspiring to see and we’re looking forward to meeting many more people and garden spaces!