For the over 100 guests who benefit from Children of Adam each week, it’s the friendly faces and the delicious food that brings them back every week. Meatballs and rice, organic gourmet burgers and delicious vegetarian and vegan options are always on offer. The distribution takes a little over an hour and sees guests walk around a number of tables displaying what food is on offer, from sandwiches and salads, to fruit, vegetables, desserts, soup, bread and drinks. Each person takes what they need and if there is enough, can come round a second time for extras.


Everything is collated in the Vegware bag we provide them with.

Although the experience is almost always the same, June was a particularly enlivening month where we were once again met with the helpfulness of the community. We had some students who had just finished their Duke of Edinburgh Weekend show up to cater for our guests, they arrived with their backpacks having navigated their way to our distribution point. We also had some new faces including the cutest little helpers! I mean who wouldn’t love to receive sweets – courtesy of a theatre group in Theatreland, from their smiling faces?

Thanks to a collaboration with Beta Charitable Trust, toilet paper made a reappearance. We placed 4 roles for each guest in Vegware’s paper bags, and let’s not forget the summer essential distribution – including caps to prepare for the summer sun – thanks to Hand on Heart. Thank you to everyone who has worked with us, your efforts have ensured that guests’ needs are always provided for throughout the year.


Now the temperatures are rising, it’s drinks that are most in demand and that guests request the most and work has been under way for months to raise funds to ensure we don’t fall short of their requirements.

Instagram: coa_soupkitchen