Big Green Pig Community Fund
As lock down has popped up and down we have continued the work on our community allotment
with the delivery of the produce grown. Recently we linked in with a local charity for immigrants to
run sessions to help them build their own growing boxes. As our beloved Rachel is now moving
onto pastures new after accepting a position first at RHS Wisley and then following onto the
Greens Teams at Pine Wood Studios (waahooooooo!) We are insanely proud and excited for her;
Rachel was there at the start of Whiffle Pig when she and Annie created the company with the aim
to help people recognise their own amazing abilities; giving them the platform to move forward
with their dreams, so it is both symbolic and wonderful that she has done just that for herself. We
have been making the plan to make the Derbyshire allotment as beautiful as possible and passing
onto a similar non profit to take on as a ready to go community garden. Rachel created such an
incredible space so we felt it fitting for it to go to a similar company. Whiffle Pig is still going in
England working in the children’s hospitals and within the community by lovely Mandy and Lydia.
Annie has been working on The Cook Book up in Scotland growing plants from seeds she has
harvested herself, making window sill green houses and growing exciting new produce including
the super exciting glass corn glass corn; planted with her youngest now towers clean over both
their heads. Annie has also taking the Summer to educate herself more with on line courses in
foraging, home steading, home learning and aquaponics so that she can now run sessions within
the community teaching all of the skills needed to be self sufficient, giving confidence to those
who may have previously thought they could not do it. Annie has been focusing most of her
projects on women and girls who have left abusive situations and the young LGBTQ+ community
with projects for primary aged transgender children and their families. These projects have been
incredible as they have been teaching us as well as us giving them basic skills which boost their
confidence. The aim is to continue to create The Cook Book, collaborating with the families we
meet adding a diversity of traditions and flavours to it’s content and having the chance to offer
career opportunities to those who are taking part