After a long January, February seems to have flown by and we are enjoying the warmer weather this month. It is so lovely to see all the children and families outside exploring the play area and lots of children are trying out skateboarding or rollerblading for the first time as we purchased new skates, boards and helmets! Our main play focus in February was Valentine’s Day and as it was during the February school holidays we had a lot of Valentine’s art and baking activities – we went through a lot of red paint and pink cake sparkles! On 9 February it was also international pizza day and so in its honour a lot of our clubs were holding a make your own pizza night. Some of the clubs even made their own pizza delivery boxes and transported them around the playground on our pizza delivery go carts.

We have also had a number of other events happening at The Yard over the month including closing for a few days to do some essential maintenance. During that time we replaced the wood chip near our seesaw and repainted the fences around the outside area. We were also delighted to share the news that The Yard has been awarded the LGBT Charter Bronze Award. The LGBT Charter is a programme that enables us to include LGBT+ people in every aspect of our work, protecting our staff and providing high quality service to our members, families, schools and groups. It helps us be truly inclusive for staff, volunteers and service users. We have already begun to implement new staff training, policies and add extra resources on the play floor.