This Autumn/Winter Rowanbank has been very busy building our new eco studio and office. The build has made use of reclaimed timber wherever possible, is clad using local and sustainably sourced larch, and insulated using wood fibre and recycled newspaper. And to top it all off it’s also got a green roof! Visitors are most welcome.

Alongside the build, we have continued to run our weekly forest school in Pilrig Park, where we celebrate the seasons (rain or shine!), and delight audiences in socially deprived areas of Scotland with our free Forest Circus performances. See attached photos of our recent events in Craigmillar and Westerhailes.

Having Vegware’s consistent support really helps add weight to our funding applications, which allow us to take our creative outdoor learning projects to extremely deprived areas of Scotland, and make them accessible to all. Thank you so much for your on-going support Vegware!