The Forge - November Update
The Forge is very pleased to announce that October saw the confirmation of a Community Grant from Neighbourhood Partnerships. This allows us to buy new wood and metal work tools, as well as better extraction facilities. It also enables us to work with charities and qualified wood and metal work instructors to deliver introduction to wood and metal workshops for local people. We will reserve places for people who are vulnerable, disadvantaged, or who work with vulnerable people.
October and November were busy months where Forge members organising events and group builds. Spooky stories and pumpkin soup were provided for Halloween, and the Forge hosted its second HackLab-Forge bonfire & fireworks on 17th November. We had a grand tidy up of the Forge storage container in November. It is now looking much smarter. Our shed group build plans were also drawn up in the Shedopolis working group and ratified through our members’ meeting. The enthusiasm of Forge members to initiate and develop Forge amenities and community life has been inspiring.
Our Wee Demos and Play sessions were introduced throughout October and November, where people could learn to use basic wood and metal tools.
Finally, we hosted our first Fundamentals of Woodworking session, where participants learned about the structure of wood, and experimented with different woodwork tools under supervision.