After a brief time off at the beginning of the month, we began our new year by cleaning, sorting and shredding 30 bags of waste. Unfortunately, the majority of that plastic was pretty unclean and not in a good state for processing, so it took us a lot longer to sort than we hoped!
The majority of that was plastic was milk bottles, which is made from HDPE. When shredding it we couldn’t believe how quickly the volume of waste decreased. One small room of plastic bags once shredded shrunk down to fit in approximately two 10 litre buckets!
Alongside this, we have also been approached to take part in a plastic exhibition at a local art gallery in August. We are so excited to be teaming up with the Young Arts Kommunity (YAK) from Firstsite to create an art installation as part of the exhibit. This is a really great opportunity for us to help raise awareness about plastic pollution in Colchester, and we are looking forward to how this project develops.
To learn more about Replastic, please visit their Facebook page here.