Well the end of our ‘Summer’ is here, it’s a shame we didn’t get much of one this year. It’s safe to say, Winter is coming and we are finding signs of it everywhere: holly bushes are sprouting little red berries, the conquers have begun to fall from the trees and our surrounding area is filled with juicy blackberries! Autumn is setting in.
Despite the poor summer, we had, this has not had an adverse affect on the vegetables, which have been growing in our poly tunnel. With it been our first year using it, we went a little over the top with the amount of cucumbers, tomatoes, and corn; they seem to have taken over the entire poly tunnel, however, the vegetables we have produced is absolutely delicious. With the help of the Children, our new baby Ducks had such a wonderful start in life and have continued to flourish over the 6 week holidays they are now 4 month old and we can not believe how quickly they have grown. Over the summer months, we have let some of them go to new owners, who live in the local area , and many of our ducklings are now well-loved pets living in there new homes . One of our local pubs even give them the “rule of the roost” in there wonderful beer garden and apparently, they are doing an excellent job of attracting customers.
Now the school holidays have come to an end and the pupils have returned the animals are filled with a new found curiosity as thy watch the children during there break times and vice versa On another note we have purchased new, petrol lawn- mower thanks to you continued support. This will make life a lot easier when tending the land!