We celebrated the Scottish summer in all its glory, with a seasonal song. It was adapted to feature our very newest Garvald member – a fluffy baby seagull! The fledgling had left its nest but wasn’t quite ready to fly, so hung out in our back garden. The mother seagull was keeping a close eye, so our members worked at the other end of the yard.
Our garden is starting to flourish with all the new raised beds, and the land group harvested their first strawberries of the season. These were enjoyed on top of a very tasty chocolate cake, as all of our members get a cake baked for them by the kitchen workshop on their birthday. Yummy!
We’ve also been taking advantage of the newly restored and beautiful Saughton Park. Our land group goes there regularly to help with gardening, but with the nicer weather all other groups have visited to enjoy walks amongst the flowers. Some have even been touring the park on two wheels with cycling sessions provided by the Edinburgh Allability Bike Centre. The park was officially re-opened earlier in the month by the Princess Royal, and several staff and members from Waterside were lucky enough to be invited to meet Princess Anne and enjoy a delicious tea party.