During October Scottish Waterways Trust‘s Canal Shed in Polwarth packed a lot in! First a planning meeting for our next block of 10 weeks leading up to Christmas… One idea was #upcycling old items of furniture using scraps of wrapping paper, cuttings, etc. (see photo!) Then Alex and Ashley carried on with the “pasta picture”, Rob and Averill did some monumental leaf collecting in the garden, while the rest of us turned our attention to a huge bag of of apples donated by Christine from Polwarth Parish Church. This gift was timely, as very wet weather looked set to wash out our planned berry-picking trip along the canal for cordial making. Still sticking with the autumn harvest theme, however, we peeled, cored and chopped our way to some delicious spiced apple compote which we ate with pancakes – and potted some up to take home.
Or/And come and join us at Canal Shed any Wednesday morning 10.00-13.00 for a variety of #sociable activities, tea and blethers on the #canalside, in local #greenspaces or indoors. Canal Shed welcomes everyone aged 18 or over….