May is one of the busiest horticultural months of the year, but this year has been cloudy and wet, so has held back our growing progress. Nevertheless crops have been sown and planted out, even if we have lost some to damp and cold. We have discovered a new market for “wet” garlic and leeks – picked green they fetch a premium price so we have been supplying our local Welbeck Farm shop with these.
We have had two corporate days, one for DWP and one for BT, with company employees coming to work at the Farm. For office workers to spend a day outside in the open, working alongside people with multiple and complex needs has a powerful impact on them, and opens their eyes to some of the issues our volunteers face in being accepted by society.
Operation Soup ran weekly throughout May with a different soup cooked every week to inspire people to make delicious, cheap meals. We’ll report on the Soup Competition held in June next time.