In January we held another quirky Rhubarb Farm celebration. Called “Recovery, Rainwater and Rehabilitation” it was to thank the funders of 3 new facilities for the Farm. Our Recovery Café (a portacabin) was funded by the Derbyshire County Council Drug and Alcohol Team. Our Training Room (a portacabin) was funded by the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Crime Prevention Fund. A water harvesting tank and irrigation system was funded by a Heritage Lottery Fund project called Limestone Journeys. Representatives from each of the funders came and cut 3 ribbons, and then all the volunteers and staff came out of the cold and wind for tea and cakes.
Volunteer Dot Grieveson has been nominated for a Community Contribution award with our local Radio Elastic FM, and the Farm has been nominated as Community Organisation of the Year. Everyone is keeping their fingers crossed for the ceremony on 12th February.