It has been a cold month in the garden and October has seen big changes at the Fred Paton Centre. Lots of new service users have begun attending the centre and so staff have been finding out who would like to get involved with gardening. Service user JR has expressed an interest in being involved in the maintaining the garden and he has identified the plants and vegetables that we currently have growing and has made suggestions improve upon the garden as it presently stands. JR has insight into what flowers and produce should be planted at what time of year, and what soil type is preferred for best outcomes. He’s looking forward to getting involved in the upkeep of the garden.
As Winter is almost here, this is the opportune time to start looking at how we plan to develop the space into a Dementia Friendly Sensory Garden. The team has met with the Woodlands Development Community Trust who are also based in the Fred Paton Centre. The Woodlands team have a large community garden and hub nearby and so are experienced at working in gardens and with the community. It’s a very exciting time and we hope to have more to share in next month’s report and perhaps some plans too!