As this is our first report on the garden we thought we’d give some background to the project and show what has been happening over the summer. It’s been a good year for the garden and we have harvested cabbage, curly kale, broad beans, onions, herbs and strawberries. We’re currently looking at what else we can plant to harvest next year as it’s great to be able to grow things which can be used at lunchtime.

As you’ll know, it hasn’t been a particularly sunny summer, but the flowers have been enjoyed by our service users on the few occasions they’ve been able to get outside! The flowers offer an inviting splash of colour which encourages service users to sit outside in the sunshine. Every year we grow sweet peas – they’re a firm favourite – and we place them round the centre so service users enjoy their fresh scent. We’re planning to grow more flowers which can be cut and placed in the centre so they can be enjoyed both inside and out.

We are currently saving for a small greenhouse which will be a welcome addition to the garden as it will enable us to grow a greater variety of plants.