One of our long-term aims is to provide conservation inputs to the local communities and schools and so we were very pleased to receive a copy of “Conservation Education and Outreach Techniques” as a donation from NHBS (Natural History Book Service) and the British Ecological Society’s Gratis Book Scheme. This book presents the theory and practice for creating effective education and outreach programmes for conservation. As such, it will be a very useful addition to our small but growing library. Many thanks, Anita, for the suggestion and application information.
Pete has been living with, and helping, the Fundación for some time now. He bought his own 47 hectares of land several months ago; this land almost adjoins the Fundación’s, and he has been building his first residence there over the last while. It is almost complete and he will be moving in very shortly. His plan is to develop some of this land (land that has already been denuded of trees by previous owners) as self-sufficient , permacultural farmland, like a croft, and save and protect the vast majority of the land which is old forest. He will be re-foresting where and when possible with some of the tree species which have been extracted over the previous years. He also plans to develop a small, residential tourist project to encourage people to visit the area, as well as continue to volunteer with the Fundación. Good one, Pete! Check out his Facebook page…………..
Our latest reptile ‘find’ this month was an Eastern Scarlet Snake (Pseudoboa neuweidii) which was actually seen just outside the clinic a couple of weeks ago. Of course, there were numerous other sightings of different species of birds, insects, plants, spiders, etc, etc.
A few more palms and other trees have been planted near the boundary with one of the neighbours where the last remaining tall grass is being removed/displaced.
Further work has been happening on the path as well, including cementing another section (well done Dave and Glen!). It now looks like we will not need any steps on the way from the entrance to the clinic/quarantine which will make the pathway much more accessible and easy to walk. Some trees have been planted on the disturbed land at the entrance which is now beginning to ‘green up’; and fallen bromeliads and orchids have been attached around and onto some of the trees at the forest edge. We reckon it looks pretty cool, and it’s going to look even cooler once it has all settled in.
It is never silent on the land; there are the stream and river sounds, bird, frog, cricket and cicada ‘songs’; the sound of distant rain (usually coming ever-closer!), amazing thunder storms, and in particular, at night the sounds of other insects and frogs , night jars, potoos, owls, falling trees and branches. Some nights are relatively chilly (around 10-15 degrees centigrade) while others are between 20-25. As mentioned before, there is rarely a breath of breeze, and when there is, it is often caused by bats and/or large moths flying past.