For our March- April 2016 update, we have some very exciting things happening. pursuing the set up our first smallholding, a step up from the allotment scenario, having been made aware of a possible suitable and available site.
We are searching for someone who would like to build a website for us, possibly as part of a project / academic piece and are advertising for this. I have started approaching local colleges as a possible route but anyone interested can contact me.
With our allotment work coming together, I have campaigned hard lately to expand further and go beyond responding to poverty and deprivation cycles and also emphasise the importance of social inclusion which can be achieved through those extra activities and services that we can provide. So I am also looking at sailing, games clubs, drama groups and any other ideas that people can think of.
Fundraising is also a significant part of our promotion and growth this year and again we are looking at new and different ideas for fundraising, with the preparation of a couple of ideas already underway..
I hope to have some of our new activities and opportunities confirmed for the next blog.
I hope to finally launch our new bid-writing service next month.