We are moving through our Winter programme.
The shop took orders for veg for the Seasonal /Christmas Celebrations. Our special recipe bag with all ingredients to make Christmas biscuits sold well in the shop and at the school fairs . Easy to make at home for people to make or to give as Festive gifts. We are planning a Valentine’s day special recipe bag too.
Our participants and new users have been keen to come to our groups after the Christmas break, the shop was shut for a couple of weeks to give our volunteers and staff their holidays.
Buggy Gym, Duo, Dance Aerobics, Chair Exercise and Mindfulness and Adult Walking have good attendance and outreach to the schools is underway with our cooking sessions. Baby’s First Foods (Weaning Group) starts in February as does our ‘Flatter Tummy Event’ We have plans to enhance our Walking Group provision with an additional group – so we can have ‘entry level’ then a progression to a group that will ‘Pick up the Pace’ .
We are continuing through this term to reach many families through schools outreach with food and nutrition activities local nursery and primary schools.
Local recent events have included our January ‘Haggis & Chat’ a Community Consultation with our service users, we had a very tasty vegetarian meal to share with our visitors who kindly gave us their views on our services. This has been very helpful to inform our future planning and we shared the information with our BHSG Board the following day.
We have had our local Health Visitors and other local workers popping in to see us too, we keep them up to date with our activities via Facebook and email too, and they like to see what’s in our recipes for soup/meal bag and activities.
‘Joining the Dots’ continues; meeting with representatives of other voluntary sector projects and Local GP’s. This continues to generate awareness, new connections and joint working opportunities.