After the sun comes rain, after the rain comes sun…and then more Sun…
We’ve been experiencing unseasonably mild weather this month with the warmest February day of 18.3 degrees Celsius breaking the previous record set in 1897. Our Friday walking group has been treated to an early Spring nature display with daffodils, snow drops, crocuses, irises, blossoming cherries and budding thorn bushes all having been spotted along our local walks. Birds are starting to gather nesting materials and bird boxes are beginning to get cursory inspections from interested parties hoping to get a prime location.
A new class has begun of ‘Baby’s First Foods’ – a class dedicated to introducing parents to the benefits of preparing and eating fresh food has begun on a Tuesday (10:30am – 11:30am at Gate 55, Sighthill Road, Edinburgh) get in touch to find out more!
Our Wednesday chair exercise group is getting back to full strength after Winter, and there is already talk of taking activities outside with the mild weather. Our dedicated volunteers continue to run the community shop here selling delicious fruit and vegetables to Broomhouse come rain or shine.
A walk round the beautiful Botanics saw the end of the latest block of mindfulness sessions that we run – a chance to put some techniques into practice and reflect on the last 6 weeks of the course. The mild weather has brought a lot of plants on in the gardens and there were some incredible blossoms on show. We also managed to get a quick look in the glasshouses at the stunning tropical plants. The next block of mindfulness will be running at Whinpark Medical centre starting on 2nd May between 2-3pm.
All in all, a really promising start to 2019 and everyone is looking forward to Spring and the promise of light nights!