So we can (hopefully) say goodbye to the long, dark rainy nights of Winter and say hello to the long, lighter, rainy days of true Spring – and what better way to get people out and about than an Easter egg hunt? Members of the Friday walking group took part in a cryptic search around St Margaret’s park in Corstorphine to find some treats and sneakily add a couple of thousand steps onto their daily tally. All next May is National Walking Month and we’ll be encouraging people top get out and amongst it to increase fitness and improve well being.
The first session of walking netball was really good fun and we’re hoping to increase numbers as the 6 week block goes on. Amongst several friendly games we had a shoot out and netball ‘noughts and crosses’ which got everybody used to the basic rules and got the heart rate up. Anyone who can make it down on a Thursday at 10 – 11am in St David’s Hall will have a great time.
The last weekend in April saw us finally finish the Broomhouse Mural Makeover with tonnes of help from our amazing local volunteers. Broomhouse market is now even brighter than before and we lost count of the positive comments from people passing thanking us for helping improve the look of the area. The mural includes a commemorative wall to Broomhouse Health Strategy Group’s 25 years of being in the area providing fruit and vegetables and services for the community. Thanks again to everyone who turned up to help out and give their time and energy – we can only achieve what we do with this help and it is hugely appreciated.