Broomhouse Summer Programme

Broomhouse Health Strategy Group are delighted to say that we have had a fantastic summer  in Broomhouse, working alongside local organisations including The Big Project, The Broomhouse Centre, St David’s Church and Napier University. We all got together to provide activities for  ‘all ages’  through July and August, culminating in our ‘Broomhouse Street Party’ for the whole community. We had lots of fun with many stalls and activities with 22 volunteers, 16 organisations, and around 250 people taking part. With support and donations in goods and kind from many others too.

New term of Cooking and Physical Activities

In the final week of August we launched bookable  new 6  week term of activities, Tone & Flex, Women’s Aerobics, Adult Cooking, all with crèche.  We continue our ongoing  Adult Walking Group and Chair Exercises.

BHSG Shop Activities

During August our volunteers have continued providing  ‘Tasty Bite’ Thursdays’ from ‘Fare Share’ donations. We have  enjoyed making risotto, banana milk shake, tomato and carrot soup in the shop with free tasters for customers and the  recipes with the food bags to give away on the day.