Rhubarb Farm - October Update
At the beginning of October we began a search for two new support workers after an increase in volunteers, especially school places. The interviews will take place in November.
We have begun to run Forestry School sessions for our volunteers; the sessions are led by support worker Nathan. The Forestry School makes use of our outdoor classroom, allowing our volunteers to engage in outdoor arts and crafts. Volunteers are also taught practical skills such as learning how to safely light a fire.
On some afternoons during the week volunteers have been exploring the local woods, which the Welbeck Estate has kindly allowed us access to.
We sold Pumpkins throughout the whole of October but on Saturday 27th October we held a ‘Pumpkin Picking’ day. We invited members of the community to come a pick their pumpkins and make spooky crafts in the new training room. It was a very cold day but everyone had fun, especially when the hot chocolate and cakes were served.
We have started to hold courses and activities in the new training room. The room is not fully finished but its safe and dry and we are able to use it.