What we have been up to and how Vegware funding has helped us.
The past 12 months has seen a lot of change at the Home and many positive improvements include newly developed paddocks. In June this year, we officially opened four new exercise runs, which have been designed to optimise exercise space for an increasing number of unwanted pets. With nearly 100 stray and abandoned dogs on site at any one time, there has been a growing demand on green spaces to exercise and train their dogs, in addition to conducting outdoor rehoming visits, which best show off the animals’ potential and personality.
This year we have also launched ‘Learning Wednesdays’ focussing on staff development, became an accredited Living Wage employer, installed a 80ft Mural on the seafront promenade, appeared on ‘This Morning’ and Comedy Central, expanded some of our kennels for the larger dog breeds, installed memorial trees within our reflection garden to support bereavement and most recently changed our opening hours – after 136 years, we are finally open to the public on a Sunday which will massive impact rehoming . All of these are amongst our day to day care of the animals and ongoing job of raising awareness and much needed funds for the dogs and cats.
Amongst the tens of hundreds of dogs and cats cared for this year, a few stories really stand out. Some of our longer term residents include the stunning Star (https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/star-staffie-finds-forever-home-16174014 and video/photos below) and more recently, Loki, who has finally found his forever Home. None of this would be possible without the generous support from funders and people like Vegware.
Plans for the year ahead.
So far in 2019, Vegware has helped to support our mission and rescued over 342 dogs and 107 cats, rehomed over 164 dogs and 60 cats and reunited over 121 dogs and 18 cats with their owners. The number of dogs and cats reunited with their owners has increased significantly in this past year from over 50% to almost 70% and we are extremely proud of this.
Over 69% of the animals that come to the Home are reunited with their owners, sometimes after having gone missing for months or even years. We ensure these animals have a safe place to stay and all the care that they need until their owner can be found. Those who do not have a home to return to are provided with training and support until a forever home can be found – no matter how long that takes. Support such as yours will ensure this continues to happen and we truly cannot thank Vegware enough for your support to date.