Out and About
On 22 Nov we had our first session of this school year with Tollcross Primary School. The bright and lively P5s went out with Anna for a lovely walk and introductory session to the John Muir Award and their first outing to the Canal. As the local section of towpath was closed for some winter servicing, they instead visited the old North British Rubber Company HQ (soon to house the Edinburgh Printmakers’ fabulous arts venue), and the “Meanwhile” site, with all its amazing community projects – which are about to disappear because the site is due to be redeveloped soon. So the children got to see a bit of Canal community history in the making!
Bye Bye Bees
On 6 November we celebrated our 2016 season of wildflower surveys and bumblebee surveys on the Union Canal in Edinburgh. And what a celebration it was! Eighteen trusty volunteers of all ages and many nationalities (plus a friendly wee dog!) got together for a cruise aboard the beautiful Lochrin Belle, where we were expertly hosted by skilled volunteers from Re-Union Canal Boats. Smiles all round as our participants chatted while enjoying fabulous home-baked pumpkin bread and buckwheat carrot cake, and wild seasonal delights such as elderberry ketchup, rowan jelly and hawthorn sweets, all washed down with sparkling wine (which would go some way to explaining the warm fuzzy feeling!) and elderflower cordial.
Many thanks to all who contributed delicious home-made treats and goodies, but most of all, a massive thank you to all you wonderful volunteers who gave your time and energy to participating in our canal citizen science initiatives this year, and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2017! All this would not have been possible without Vegware Community Fund. Many thanks for your generous support!